HomeLearn Software QA Testing Manual + Automation Testing (Selenium Webdriver with Java)
Learn Software QA Testing Manual + Automation Testing (Selenium Webdriver with Java)
Learn Software QA Testing Manual + Automation Testing (Selenium Webdriver with Java)

Learn Software QA Testing Manual + Automation Testing (Selenium Webdriver with Java)

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Product Description

Following a discussion of Selenium and its features, this book outlines the process of setting up the environment for creating test scripts. The By class is extensively used to illustrate a variety of features, including as the web element interface, the web driver interface, and locators.The book also covers activities including manipulating HTML elements, using the mouse and keyboard, and using dropdown, table, window, alert, frame, action class, and synchronization. The installation of Selenium Grid, which enables the test suite to run in parallel across various settings, is covered in the book along with Selenium IDE and Selenium Webdriver as additional crucial features.

This book provides a comprehensive overview of a number of add-on automation scripts, including those for taking screenshots and gathering object and data information. The evolution of the test project ecosystem as a whole is helped by technologies like TestNG and Maven, which are discussed in the book.You should feel very confident using Selenium to automate a range of online and browser testing scenarios and tasks after finishing the book.

To be an excellent software tester, you need have a solid understanding of testing fundamentals and be able to correlate that understanding with the experience you gained while working as a tester on a software project. This book will teach you both. It will include a full explanation of the foundations of software testing as well as a step-by-step walk-through of a real-world testing project.

The "Comprehensive Guide to API Testing: Mastering the Art of API Validation" eBook is the definitive reference for software developers, testers, and QA engineers looking to succeed in the domain of API testing. This complete guide takes a step-by-step approach to learning the complexities of API testing and mastering the necessary procedures to ensure seamless integration and faultless API operation.

Table Of Content

Chapter - 1

1. What is Quality

2. What is Quality Assurance

3. What are Software Quality Assurance components?

4. How to do Quality Assurance?

5. What is the difference between Quality Control and Quality Assurance?

6. What is Software Testing

7. Software Testing Principles

8. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

9. Software Development Life Cycle - Models

10.Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC)

11. Types of Software Testing

Manual Testing

Automation Testing 

12. White Box Techniques

13. Black Box Techniques

Chapter - 2

1.Test Case Development

2.Test Scenarios

3.Test Case

4.Test Plan

5.Requirement traceability matrix(RTM)

6.Test Strategy 

7.Test Data

8.Bug Report

9.Test Execution Report

10.Defect Tracking 

11.Bug In Software Testing

12.Bug Life Cycle

13.Bug Report Template With Details

14.Severity and Priority in testing

Chapter - 3

1.Smoke Testing

2.Sanity Testing

3.Regression Testing

4.Alpha Testing

5.Beta Testing

6.Static Testing

7.Dynamic Testing

8.Database Testing

9.Load Testing

10.Stress Testing

11.Recovery Testing

12.Adhoc Testing

13.Positive Testing

14.Negative Testing

15.GUI Testing

16.Compatibility Testing

17.Security Testing

18.Data-Driven Testing

19.Decision table

20.State Transition

21.Performance Testing

Chapter - 4

  1. What is API
  2. What Is Client And Server Host
  3. Client Server Model
  4. Client Server Architecture
  5. Web Service & Component
  7. What is URI and URL
  8. What is API Testing
  9. What is REST API
  10. Benefits of API Testing
  11. Difference between REST API vs SOAP API
  12. Types of API Testing
  13. API Testing Tools
  14. API Testing Approach
  15. Types of Bugs that API testing detects
  16. Benefits of API Testing
  17. Why is API Testing important
  18. Challenges of API Testing
  19. What are the different types of APIs, and how are they used
  20. What are some common API Use Cases
  21. What is the history of APIs
  22. HTTP Important Response Status Codes
  23. Methods Of API

Chapter - 5

  1. Interview Questions and Answers For QA Testing
  2. Interview Questions and Answers For API Testing
  3. Interview Questions & Answers of Selenium Automation QA
  4. What is Selenium
  5. Selenium Basic Terminology
  6. Why is Automated Testing Necessary?
  7. Selenium Features
  8. Selenium WebDriver- Installation
  9. Selenium WebDriver- First Test Case
  10. Selenium WebDriver- Commands
  11. Selenium WebDriver- Locating Strategies
  12. Selenium WebDriver- Handling drop-downs

   10. Selenium WebDriver- Handling Alerts

   11. Selenium Webdriver - Handling Radio buttons

   12. Selenium Webdriver- Handling Checkbox

   13. Selenium Webdriver - Assertions

   14. What is a Selenium Grid?

   15. Selenium Webdriver - How To Take Screenshots

   16. Selenium Webdriver - How To Read Excel File Data

   17. Selenium Webdriver - How To Connect SQL And MySQL Database

   18. Selenium Webdriver - How to Verify (Handle) Tooltip

   19. Selenium WebDriver - Handling Dynamic Web Tables

   20. What is TestNG

   21. TestNG Installation and Configuration in Eclipse

   22. Importance of XML file in TestNG Configuration

   23. TestNG Groups

   24. What is TestNG Annotation?

   25. TestNG Annotation Attributes

   26. TestNG Listeners

Covered Section

  • Entire QA Techniques Concept In depth
  • Manual Techniques for Testing
  • Automation Fundamentals of Testing
  • Methodologies and Procedures for Testing
  • Design and execution of test cases
  • Defect Management and Reporting Performance and Load Testing
  • Professional Development and Continuous Learning
  • Entire API Testing Techniques Concept In depth 
  • Selenium WebDriver with Java
  • TestNG
  • BDD
  • Cucumber
  • Junit

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